Monday, January 28, 2013

Borboleta Series Complete

My series of butterfly paintings is least for the moment ! And I'll be able to create my 2013 calendar before the end of this month. A little late, I know, but I was determined to meet this personal goal. And there is always a possibility of a 2014 calendar, perhaps even with new images ! But, for the moment, I'll be exploring new subject matter - that of the Reserva Bicudinho-do-brejo or Lagoa do Parado, but more about that later. I'm also posting the final painting in the series (below) and want to make a few comments about it.

I chose this image as a final painting in the series because I wanted to give myself freedom, to explore the graphic qualities in this close-up view of an Owl butterfly wing. But I found myself being ever more attracted to the overwhelming detail ! So, rather than being loose and free and expressive, I felt compelled to scrutinize every little detail to give my viewer a true sense of the beauty and intricacy of a butterfly wing. Much like Georgia O'Keefe (one of my favorites since college), I wanted to make my viewers really look, just as she wanted people to really look at a flower. Because when you really look at the beauty and intricacy of the nature all around us every day, you cannot help but be filled with awe....and with joy - and that is precisely what I wish to bring to my viewers.

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